Posted 1 февраля 2023,, 05:25

Published 1 февраля 2023,, 05:25

Modified 1 февраля 2023,, 12:19

Updated 1 февраля 2023,, 12:19

Employers decided to pay to IT specialists less

Employers decided to pay to IT specialists less

1 февраля 2023, 05:25
The situation was influenced by the influx of novice specialists, experts say.

As Vedomosti writes, referring to the HeadHunter job search service and employees, the median salary for a novice programmer ("juna") in January of this year was about 100 thousand rubles, which is 13% less than a year earlier. The salary indicated in vacancies for a mid-level IT specialist ("midla") decreased by 11%, to 160 thousand rubles. Employers are ready to pay up to 250 thousand rubles a month to highly qualified developers. This amount did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased by 4%.

According to the representative of HH, the reason for the correction was the influx of "junes" since the spring of last year. The ratio of resumes per IT vacancy reached almost 4, and at the beginning of last year it was 1.8, which resulted in a decrease in the median of the salary offered. Employers are responding to "some dumping on the part of candidates in terms of the quality of skills and expected salaries."

Traffic on online IT courses increased by 80% in January – August 2022.

As for the actual salaries of "IT specialists", in 2023, IT increased by 9% (up to 97 thousand rubles) for novice IT specialists, by 11% (158 thousand rubles) for medium-qualified specialists, and by 5% (211 thousand rubles) for highly qualified personnel.

At the end of January, it was reported that employers began to post more and more vacancies for IT specialists. Since November 2022, the demand for them has increased by 63%, to 58,700. Experts associate this trend with the proposal of the State Duma deputies to ban the remote work of IT specialists from abroad.