Posted 1 февраля 2023,, 12:22

Published 1 февраля 2023,, 12:22

Modified 1 февраля 2023,, 12:39

Updated 1 февраля 2023,, 12:39

The mortgage game: how the country's authorities are trying to retain young people and specialists

The mortgage game: how the country's authorities are trying to retain young people and specialists

1 февраля 2023, 12:22
Following the new conditions of preferential mortgages for IT specialists, the government is going to expand this program to other categories of citizens.

Mortgages for IT specialists have been expanded, now it can be taken by specialists from 18 to 50 years old, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at the beginning of the week.

Previously, these frames were from 22 to 44 years old. In addition, the Russian authorities have softened the salary requirements. From now on, not only income at the main job will be taken into account, but also part-time, and when dismissed, the preferential rate will be kept for 6 months instead of 3.

Experts of the channel "Movementpro real Estate" believe that this sluggish attempt to save the program will not save the situation: "Too strict requirements for the salary of the borrower (at least 150,000 rubles in Moscow) and his employer (only IT companies from the register of the Ministry of Finance)."

Meanwhile, the government does not give up hope of returning fugitives from mobilization to the country, and is preparing to launch another preferential mortgage - especially for the young. Putin personally instructed to develop it, and it is planned for the summer.

Recall that there are mortgage special programs for IT professionals, family, residents of the Far East. In the development of credit for industry employees (apparently, the military industry is meant) and excellent graduates.

"It is unclear why state money wants to support this category of citizens. Is it really necessary to keep not only IT specialists in the country, but all young people in general? And anyway, why would rich developers get into a Moscow mortgage when you can work in Bali or Dubai? It won't take off..." - experts of the channel predict.

And another curious fact characterizing the Russian housing problem: the average mortgage term, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, exceeded 24 years.

Even 5 years ago, the loan was taken for an average of 16 years. By the end of 2022, the average term increased by 2.7 years, and in December by six months at once.

The reason for this is the rise in housing prices — with a mortgage for 15 years, the payment will be higher than the salary of the average Russian, so you have to stretch the pleasure for 30 years. But there was also a "near-zero mortgage", which encourages paying for a long time and not closing the loan ahead of schedule.

"24 years is already a real bondage, without exaggeration. A young family does not dare to have a child until they close the mortgage on the studio. The second and third children in the family are not born, because for another 12 years to pay for the eurodrive ... the Central Bank is obliged to intervene ..." - experts comment on the situation.