Posted 3 февраля 2023,, 14:58

Published 3 февраля 2023,, 14:58

Modified 3 февраля 2023,, 15:11

Updated 3 февраля 2023,, 15:11

Figure of the day: Patrushev announced a shortage of 14 thousand employees in the Russian aviation industry

Figure of the day: Patrushev announced a shortage of 14 thousand employees in the Russian aviation industry

3 февраля 2023, 14:58
Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolay Patrushev (pictured) estimated the shortage of personnel in the Russian aviation industry at the level of 14 thousand people. He noted that the industry is still experiencing an acute shortage of engineering and technical personnel and workers, including designers and technologists.

"Despite the measures taken, there remains an acute shortage of engineering and technical personnel and workers, including designers and technologists. To date, the total demand of aviation industry enterprises is over 14 thousand people", - Patrushev said (quoted by Interfax).

The Secretary of the Security Council made this statement at a meeting on personnel training for the Russian aviation industry, which was held on the basis of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University. Solovyov.

"Educational standards of personnel training lag behind the level of development of production technologies in the world. The outflow of young people from the regions where the basic enterprises of the aircraft industry and universities are located does not stop", - he added.

According to Patrushev's statement, the quality of personnel training is being improved to correct the situation. He noted the correction of training programs, modernization of equipment of educational institutions and universities due to the modern material base, which not only meets the current needs of the industry, but also provides prospects for further development. According to the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, training and advanced training programs for teaching staff are being reviewed to improve the quality of education. Conditions are also being created for the establishment of the educational process with the use of new materials, industrial equipment, modern information systems for design and production management.

Patrushev noted that more attention has been paid to the preparation of students for work at aviation industry enterprises. Since 2021, the Professionalitet project has been implemented in Russia, which provides for the integration of colleges and enterprises of the real sector of the economy through the formation of educational and industrial clusters. In his speech, the Secretary of the Security Council stressed the presence of a database of leading regional technical universities, which includes 76 engineering centers located in 39 subjects of the Russian Federation.

He added that work has been organized in Russia to create specialized "engineering classes" in general education organizations. In his opinion, their network will provide a set of highly motivated applicants in engineering specialties.