Posted 6 февраля 2023,, 09:26

Published 6 февраля 2023,, 09:26

Modified 6 февраля 2023,, 10:54

Updated 6 февраля 2023,, 10:54

Lukashenko instructed the Prosecutor General to deal with the return of political emigrants

Lukashenko instructed the Prosecutor General to deal with the return of political emigrants

6 февраля 2023, 09:26
President of Belarus Lukashenko signed a decree on the formation of a special commission headed by the Prosecutor General, which will deal with the return of political emigrants.

The tasks of the commission, consisting of security forces, officials and the public, will include working with citizens who left the country during the 2020 protests, but now want to return to their homeland.

"One of the most important issues. Today I signed a decree prepared by a group of specialists headed by you (Prosecutor General Andrei Shved) on the consideration of appeals from Belarusian citizens abroad regarding the commission of offenses by them", - RIA Novosti quoted Lukashenko as saying.

In his statement, Lukashenko called the people who left amid the protests "those fugitives." He explained that the Prosecutor General has "enough power" to resolve issues related to their return.

The creation of the commission was preceded by Lukashenka's appeal to the opposition. He invited the fugitives to come home, "repent" and be punished for their actions.

So far, the authorities have not decided how they will screen out "normal" citizens from potential "spies and terrorists".

Lukashenka made it clear at the beginning of this year that many people who left want to return to their homeland, but a number of conditions are necessary for their return. According to the Head of state, the returnees should admit that their support for the opposition protests was a mistake.

Mass emigration from the country began against the background of the protests that broke out in August 2020 following the results of the presidential elections. The CEC gave victory in them to the long-term leader of the country Alexander Lukashenko, who neutralized almost all rivals on the eve of the vote. Representatives of the opposition declared mass falsifications in favor of Lukashenka and refused to recognize the results. The protests swept across the country and lasted for several months. The security forces brutally suppressed them. Thousands of dissenters ended up behind bars, many were forced to go abroad, fearing arrests. Criminal cases were opened in Belarus against many oppositionists who did not have time or did not want to leave, and the accused were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment.