32% of pensioners are forced to save on everything constantly

32% of pensioners are forced to save on everything constantly

7 февраля 2023, 09:33
33.5% of senior citizens have enough money only for the most necessary things.

As RBC writes, referring to the services YouDo and hh.ru, 31% of retired Russians admitted that they do not have enough for a comfortable life. Only 2.5% of the survey participants are satisfied with their income. 1% of respondents help their grandchildren without experiencing financial difficulties.

According to 77% of respondents, they would like to have additional sources of income other than pensions. 78% of them work and earn part-time as individuals, a quarter have the status of self-employed, and 2% have the status of sole proprietors.

17% have a permanent job. But currently it is quite difficult for pensioners to find a permanent workplace. 42% of respondents indicated that this is hindered by a biased attitude towards older workers on the part of employers. 37% noted high competition, 22% - a small number of suitable job offers.

#Survey #Pensions #Russia #Society