Posted 7 февраля 2023,, 05:19

Published 7 февраля 2023,, 05:19

Modified 7 февраля 2023,, 07:11

Updated 7 февраля 2023,, 07:11

In the municipality of Primorsky Territory, an emergency mode was introduced due to stray dogs

In the municipality of Primorsky Territory, an emergency mode was introduced due to stray dogs

7 февраля 2023, 05:19
Dogs attack residents of the village of Chuguevka.

According to "Vostok-Media", the decision was made at a meeting of the commission of the KChS headquarters. The administration of the Chuguevsky Municipal District clarified that the commission included employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, the veterinary service, the prosecutor's office and public utilities.

Experts intend to conclude a contract without conducting auction procedures with LLC "Aristocrat" for trapping stray dogs.

Earlier, the dogs attacked three children and bit them. The parents of the victims intended to file a police report.

It should be noted that 11 thousand people live in the village of Chuguevka.

To date, there are significant problems in Russia related to the treatment of stray dogs. In particular, we are talking about an acute shortage of state shelters and services, as well as a poorly developed culture of animal treatment among the population.