Posted 7 февраля 2023, 05:27

Published 7 февраля 2023, 05:27

Modified 7 февраля 2023, 07:12

Updated 7 февраля 2023, 07:12

The Ministry of Transport is going to sell air tickets online to the participants of the special operation

The Ministry of Transport is going to sell air tickets online to the participants of the special operation

7 февраля 2023, 05:27
Now it is possible to issue a discounted ticket only upon personal presentation of supporting documents.

According to Kommersant, the Russian Ministry of Transport offers air carriers to sell tickets online to participants of the special operation in Ukraine. The proposal is due to the fact that wounded soldiers have to personally contact the airline or the airport ticket office to issue military transportation documents (VPD). Initially, the initiative of the innovation was made by State Duma deputy Andrey Kuznetsov.

The Ministry of Transport may allow this category of Russians to book tickets online and then receive them at the airline's ticket office or airport upon presentation of the VPD.

According to experts, the innovation will require significant monetary costs, as well as integration with the portal of public Services. In addition, there are likely problems with the calculations for the ticket from the Ministry of Defense.
