Posted 14 февраля 2023, 09:43

Published 14 февраля 2023, 09:43

Modified 14 февраля 2023, 10:04

Updated 14 февраля 2023, 10:04

Rosselkhoznadzor stopped illegal salmon shipments through Belarus

Rosselkhoznadzor stopped illegal salmon shipments through Belarus

14 февраля 2023, 09:43
Rosselkhoznadzor specialists have identified a batch of frozen salmon fish of unknown origin, which they tried to import into Russia across the border with Belarus under the guise of products from the Faroe Islands. Yulia Melano, adviser to the head of the department, told reporters about this.

"The fish was imported to Russia in January 2023 under the guise of Faroe Islands products through the territory of Belarus", - Melano said (quoted by RBC).

She added that the State Food and Veterinary Service of the Faroe Islands did not confirm the registration of the accompanying documentation for this batch of products.

The agency warned the Belarusian authorities and the Minister for Technical Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Commission about the attempt to import products of unknown origin. In addition, the Belarusian colleagues were asked to stop the registration of veterinary certificates for fish products to Russian recipients, which entered the republic through enterprises of third countries involved in illegal supply schemes.

According to RBC, last year the Association of Industrial and Commercial Enterprises of the fish market announced a reduction in the supply of farmed salmon fish to the Russian Federation: mainly salmon and trout. The organization noted that the volume of deliveries decreased from 5 thousand tons to 858 tons in May 2022, as reported by Kommersant. At the same time, it was indicated that the demand of retailers and restaurants for this type of product is at the level of 120-130 thousand tons per year. Due to the decline in exports of relevant products from Chile, as well as the complete cessation of supplies from the Faroe Islands, catering establishments began to buy less salmon, in some cases by 50%.
