Posted 15 февраля 2023,, 12:49

Published 15 февраля 2023,, 12:49

Modified 15 февраля 2023,, 13:48

Updated 15 февраля 2023,, 13:48

Bill Gates: "Bioterrorism is a serious threat to global security"

Bill Gates: "Bioterrorism is a serious threat to global security"

15 февраля 2023, 12:49
Billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates warns humanity about the threat of bioterrorism. "I would rather pay for new vaccines than travel to Mars", - he said.

Today, Gates is widely known not only as the creator of Microsoft, but also as a predictor of technological advances, as well as crises and outbreaks of pandemics. Suffice it to say, writes the Bulgarian newspaper Vesti, that back in 2015, Gates, based on scientific data, predicted that the coronavirus pandemic was a matter of time, and that the world was not ready to cope with it. Recently, his warnings have focused on another growing threat - bioterrorism.

According to Interpol, bioterrorism seeks to "deliberately release biological agents or toxins with the aim of harming or killing people, animals or plants by intimidating or coercing the government or the civilian population to achieve their political ambitions".

Not so long ago, BBC journalist Fmol Rajan asked Gates what, in his opinion, is a big future threat to humanity that it does not think enough about? According to the head of Microsoft, bioterrorism and pandemics are somewhat similar to each other: they expose people to dangerous and even fatal diseases. But it's a little harder to protect yourself from bioterror, because whoever is trying to impose it does it consciously and understands the protection system that criminals may try to circumvent."

Interpol claims that there is enough information in its database that clearly shows that some terrorist groups have the ability and intention to use "biological bombs" to harm a variety of states.

Experts consider one of the most dangerous types of biological weapons, for example, the smallpox virus that causes measles or melioidosis - an infectious disease caused by microbes that occur in Southeast Asia and northern Australia.

Gates, the fifth richest man in the world and the second largest private contributor to the World Health Organization, believes that all countries need to strengthen international cooperation in the field of medicine and global health systems so that the world is better prepared for biological threats.