The number of scammers promising registration in ChatGPT has increased

The number of scammers promising registration in ChatGPT has increased

15 февраля 2023, 07:50
From December 2022 to February 2023, the number of these scammers increased from three to 41.

According to Vedomosti, referring to RTK-Solar, BI.Zone and Group-IB, fraudulent sites began to appear in the Russian segment of the Internet offering to provide access to an account to work with the chat bot ChatGPT. If there were three such domains in December last year, then in January there were already 17, and in the first weeks of February it grew to 41 at all.

BI.Zone clarified that since January, 5233 domains with a combination of chatgpt in the name have appeared on the Network, 53 of them in the domain

Attackers deceive users in two ways. For example, a potential victim may use a temporary foreign number to register, then her account may be stolen. In addition, the user can transfer funds for the purchase of an existing account or help with its registration, but never get access to it. The price of account registration services varies from 11 rubles for purchasing a number for self-registration to 400 rubles for a ready account.

Recall that ChatGPT was launched in November last year. This chatbot allows you to write texts in different languages and code for software. In February, Google, Microsoft, Baidu, Opera announced plans to integrate ChatGPT into their products or launch such programs.

Recall that the language model from OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, was used to create an endless series based on the comedy series "Seinfeld" from the nineties. However, Twitch has blocked this picture generated by the neural network.

#Neural network #The Internet #Scammers #Society