Posted 20 февраля 2023, 07:08

Published 20 февраля 2023, 07:08

Modified 20 февраля 2023, 07:41

Updated 20 февраля 2023, 07:41

A resident of Ryazan sued Rosprirodnadzor for 20 thousand rubles for dirty air in the city

A resident of Ryazan sued Rosprirodnadzor for 20 thousand rubles for dirty air in the city

20 февраля 2023, 07:08
The Oktyabrsky District Court of Ryazan granted the claim of a local resident Tatiana Silchenko to the Prioksky interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor. The resident accused the specialists of the department of inaction, which led to air pollution in the city.

So, in April–June 2021, forecasters predicted unfavorable meteorological conditions in the city. During this period, significant exceedances of the maximum permissible concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the air were observed in one of the microdistricts of the city. The plaintiff considered that the specialists of the department did not leave for unscheduled inspections of local factories.

Initially, the court of first instance refused to satisfy the claim. In August last year, activists appealed this decision to the Ryazan Regional Court. The court reversed the decision and sent the case for a new hearing.

The Oktyabrsky district court sided with the plaintiff and awarded compensation for moral damage in the amount of 20 thousand rubles to the resident, the Telegram channel "Breathe Clean" reports.

Activists believe that the court's decision is an important precedent that will help in the further struggle for clean air in the city.
