Posted 20 февраля 2023, 09:05

Published 20 февраля 2023, 09:05

Modified 20 февраля 2023, 11:08

Updated 20 февраля 2023, 11:08

Lukashenka has taken care of the partisan reserve

Lukashenka has taken care of the partisan reserve

20 февраля 2023, 09:05
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko instructed to create militia groups at each village council just in case. In the event of the outbreak of hostilities, they will be involved as partisans, the president explained.

"Just in case, we need to have this people's militia, a group of people at every village council. There won't be many of them. Maybe 50 people", - the president said. His words are quoted by Belta.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that the militia groups will be armed. "In the event of military action, the people's militia units can transform into a partisan movement," he added. The People's militia will become a support for territorial defense, the president believes.

The Belarusian president noted that a difficult situation is developing now, so every resident of the country should at least own a weapon in order to be able to protect his family. "Let people learn to own weapons, there is nothing wrong with that. Just every family will be able to protect their home, village, village. This comes from the experience of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict," the president explained.

Earlier, the President instructed the Ministry of Defense and the Interior Ministry to work out the issue of creating a people's militia in the country. The bill on this occasion was submitted for consideration. The project has already been tested in practice. The experience of creating such a project was discussed at a meeting of the Security Council. In particular, the issues of the number of the people's militia and the main tasks that will face it were raised.

Recall that last year the Belarusian president already raised the issue of creating a people's militia in the country. The head of the country's Defense Ministry, Viktor Khrenin, noted that this is necessary in order to increase the number of defenders of the Fatherland at times. The President of Belarus noted that this would prevent an attack on the country.
