Posted 20 февраля 2023, 04:10

Published 20 февраля 2023, 04:10

Modified 20 февраля 2023, 06:49

Updated 20 февраля 2023, 06:49

RBC: the authorities will introduce a "voluntary" fee from companies whose profits exceed 1 billion rubles

RBC: the authorities will introduce a "voluntary" fee from companies whose profits exceed 1 billion rubles

20 февраля 2023, 04:10
The fee will be a one-time payment.

According to RBC, such fees will be prescribed in the Tax Code for companies with an average profit of more than a billion rubles in 2021-2022. The voluntary nature of the payment under discussion "in this case is expressed by a consolidated consent to its payment by leading business associations".

Currently, discussions are underway on the formula for calculating the fee from the business. For example, it is studied which profit should be taken into account - net or tax. According to the interlocutor of the publication from the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, there is a fee established in the Tax Code, which is universal in nature, which will be levied on everything except small and medium-sized businesses.

Earlier, the authorities began discussing with the business community voluntary contributions to the budget from the income that entrepreneurs received in the financially successful 2022. We are not talking about an increase in taxes, but only about a one-time payment of 200-250 billion rubles, that is, it will be a payment in the windfall tax format (with an unexpected profit).