Posted 20 февраля 2023, 09:34

Published 20 февраля 2023, 09:34

Modified 20 февраля 2023, 11:05

Updated 20 февраля 2023, 11:05

The second front of education: why do schools introduce "Conversations about the important things" for parents

The second front of education: why do schools introduce "Conversations about the important things" for parents

20 февраля 2023, 09:34
Social networks are perplexed on what legal grounds teachers will inspire state ideas to adults.

Last Sunday, February 19, Russian media and social networks spread the long-awaited news that "Conversations about important things" will now be held not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents, and the flag-raising ceremony will be extended not only to schools, but also to pedagogical universities. This was stated by the Minister of Education Sergey Kravtsov.

It's worth reminding that it was with this proposal that the head of the Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Olga Kazakova herself addressed the Ministry of Education last week. It was she who advised to "talk about important things" with adults during parent meetings in order to discuss "not only the purchase of curtains" there.

The Minister saluted and said:

"We made a decision to have "Conversations about the important things" for parents as well. Now we are discussing the format so that it would be really interesting, and parents are interested, such a systematic work".

Earlier, by the way, Kravtsov has already said that he supports the idea of such lessons for parents, because there it will be possible to talk about the achievements of the country and raise issues of education.

So far, the format of lessons for parents has not been determined.

What a spectacle the flag removal, the singing of the anthem and "Conversations about the important things" is today can be judged by this TV report from the Bogdanovich City District secondary school of the Sverdlovsk region.

It is worth paying attention to the words of the deputy director of the school: "This is a long-term project, it will not bring a momentary result. This is a contribution to the future..."

Now teachers will not have time for really important things at allThis is how teachers and students of an ordinary Russian school see this future.

Meanwhile, Leonid Katsva, a history teacher, responded in an interview with Kommersant about the initiative of officials to extend "Conversations about important things" to parents:

"I do not understand on what legal grounds a school can take on the tasks of educating adults who have long received a certificate of secondary education, many of whom, moreover, have a higher education.

Just as I don't understand what legal grounds there are to oblige adults who have come to a parent-teacher meeting to learn more about their child's studies and discuss the tasks and problems facing the class together with other parents, instead listen to the teacher's educational conversation. Not to mention the fact that there are many parents with a higher educational level and richer life experience than the teacher conducting the "conversation about the important". This initiative will only result in the fact that many parents will stop coming to parent meetings altogether. Unless, of course, teachers are obliged to report parents who were absent from the meeting at their place of work, and employers are fined or otherwise harassed by such "truants". From what mutual respect between the school and society will rise to new, hitherto unachieved heights..."
