Biden refuses to participate in the "rhetoric competition" with Putin

Biden refuses to participate in the "rhetoric competition" with Putin

21 февраля 2023, 15:07
The planned speech by American President Joe Biden in Poland later on Tuesday is not a response to today's message from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly. This was stated by the adviser to the American leader on national security, Jake Sullivan.

"We didn't plan this performance as some kind of response… This is not a rhetoric contest with anyone", - Jake Sullivan said.

According to him, in his speech Joe Biden will talk about his understanding of what the world should be, which "we are trying to build and protect." The speech of the American president will mainly focus on the conflict in Ukraine. However, according to Jake Sullivan, the American president will also talk in general about "the confrontation between aggressors who are trying to destroy fundamental principles and the democracies that we unite to try to defend them".

It's worth reminding that on the eve of the American leader visited Ukraine. His visit to Kiev was not announced in advance. During the visit, he announced the allocation of new military aid to the country. Later on Monday, the US Defense Ministry announced the allocation of a new $460 million package of military assistance to Ukraine.

#Poland #Vladimir Putin #The President's message #President Putin's Message to the Federal Assembly #USA #Joe Biden #Putin