Posted 21 февраля 2023, 16:28

Published 21 февраля 2023, 16:28

Modified 21 февраля 2023, 16:56

Updated 21 февраля 2023, 16:56

Member of the Politbureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Wang Yi called the relations between Russia and China "solid as a rock"

Member of the Politbureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Wang Yi called the relations between Russia and China "solid as a rock"

21 февраля 2023, 16:28
Wang Yi stated about the inviolability of relations between the two countries during a meeting with Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev.

The head of the office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Foreign Affairs is confident that Moscow and Beijing "have very good opportunities to continue our close strategic cooperation and contacts in defense of our common strategic interests".

"Sino-Russian relations are mature and rock-solid, they will withstand the tests of the changing international situation", - Wang Yi said.

He assured that he fully shares Patrushev's high assessment of the strategic cooperation between China and the Russian Federation. Together with Moscow, Beijing is ready to "defend national interests and dignity, promote mutually beneficial cooperation in all directions". In his turn, Patrushev called the relations of both countries self-valuable and not subject to external conjuncture.

Last week, Wang Yi announced Beijing's development of a peace plan to end the fighting in Ukraine. By February 24, the anniversary of the Russian special operation, this document will be made public.
