The demonstration of tattoos with Nazi symbols was recognized as an offense

The demonstration of tattoos with Nazi symbols was recognized as an offense

22 февраля 2023, 17:53
The Supreme Court found guilty a Russian woman who showed a tattoo with Nazi symbols at the police station. She was fined 1.5 thousand rubles.

A protocol was drawn up against the girl under an administrative article for "public display of Nazi symbols", - the Russian Agency for Legal and Judicial Information reported.

At the trial, the defense referred to a note to this article of the Administrative Code, which states that the offense does not apply to cases where the purpose of the demonstration is to form a negative attitude to the ideology of Nazism and there are no signs of propaganda. The court disagreed with this statement, believing that the note does not apply to tattoos.

"The fact of the public demonstration of Nazi symbols was established on the basis of the totality of evidence", - the case file says. The court found that the violator publicly demonstrated a tattoo on the left hand.

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