Posted 23 февраля 2023,, 04:41

Published 23 февраля 2023,, 04:41

Modified 23 февраля 2023,, 07:26

Updated 23 февраля 2023,, 07:26

Russian Defense Ministry: Kiev is preparing a provocation against Transnistria

Russian Defense Ministry: Kiev is preparing a provocation against Transnistria

23 февраля 2023, 04:41
To do this, the Ukrainian side will play a "staged invasion" of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the ministry said.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia reported that in the near future the Ukrainian authorities plan to commit an armed provocation against the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. According to the ministry, the AFU units, including Azov, will participate in the operation.

As a pretext, it is supposed to stage the offensive of Russian troops on the Pridnestrovian territory by dressing Ukrainian soldiers in the uniform of the Russian army and passing them off as fighters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The Ministry stressed that they are monitoring the situation on the Ukrainian-Pridnestrovian border. The Russian side is ready to respond "to any changes."

Recall that the Moldovan authorities urge to withdraw the Russian contingent from Transnistria. Meanwhile, there are significant changes in Chisinau, the government of Natalia Gavrilitsa resigned on February 10, and President Maya Sandu nominated Dorin Rechan to the post of Prime Minister. Rechan has already made a number of loud statements that the country should not confuse defense and neutrality, which will not guarantee protection from external aggression. Moreover, the new head of government demands the demilitarization of Transnistria, including by withdrawing the Russian military from the region. Rechan called the demilitarization of Transnistria "a fundamental thing".

At the same time, Moldovan citizens continue to protest against the current government. They demand Sandu's resignation not for political, but for social reasons. We are talking, among other things, about the return of funds spent by the population on utilities, which have risen sharply in price recently. But Washington is sure that the fault of the unrest in Moldova lies with Russia, which is allegedly deliberately trying to destabilize the situation in the republic.


*nationalist battalion, banned in the Russian Federation