Posted 24 февраля 2023, 15:32

Published 24 февраля 2023, 15:32

Modified 24 февраля 2023, 15:51

Updated 24 февраля 2023, 15:51

Meltdown for writers! Chatbots are already displacing people from literary publications

Meltdown for writers! Chatbots are already displacing people from literary publications

24 февраля 2023, 15:32
The editors of a well-known magazine publishing science fiction have actually admitted their defeat to artificial intelligence.

The news from the coming future is shared by the Nevminkult channel, reporting that the well–known science fiction magazine Clarkesworld closed the reception of stories for publication - the editorial office was inundated with texts written by the chat bot ChatGPT. Moreover, it turned out to be easy to find vulnerabilities in texts written by artificial intelligence, and the GPT chatbot, which has become extremely popular recently, turned out to be so "stupid", according to experts, that even as a saving password for deactivating an atomic bomb, it will not type the word "nigger" yet. However, the key word here is "for now".

The onset of the singularity was expected from the side of science, and it invades our lives from the territory that people were going to leave behind: from art.

A year ago, neural networks clumsily generated posters and announcements for TV series, now they create TV series themselves, draw better than most artists, write stories for magazines and essays for the Unified State Exam, and most importantly, they study.

"You can't even be sure that this text wasn't written by a chatbot (maybe. The bot would write "sure that", but how long will it take him to guess about such a small trick?) - the channel's experts complain.

- The question is on the surface: since robots first captured our last fortress, as it was thought, then what and why will our children do if we don't teach them creativity instead of creativity?"
