Posted 24 февраля 2023, 15:31

Published 24 февраля 2023, 15:31

Modified 24 февраля 2023, 15:55

Updated 24 февраля 2023, 15:55

Sinologists comment on Beijing's strange peacekeeping initiative

Sinologists comment on Beijing's strange peacekeeping initiative

24 февраля 2023, 15:31
Experts called Beijing's plan to resolve the Ukrainian crisis a "predictable set of platitudes." But the Celestial Empire could not remain silent.

As reported in the author's tg channel of the Sinologist Ivan Zuenko ("China. The 80s and beyond), Chinese "peace proposals" turned out to be a predictable set of platitudes that are unlikely to cause anything but tired irritation in all three decision-making centers: Moscow, Washington and Kiev.

"Was it worth announcing it with such pathos and presenting it exactly on the anniversary of the beginning of the SVO?", the author of the tg channel wonders. He also adds that the presented theses are a set of attitudes "for all good, against all bad".

"How to perceive Chinese proposals in general? From the point of view of the analysis of Chinese foreign policy, another good example of the blurred philosophical and humanitarian concept of the "community of the common destiny of mankind" has been obtained. From a practical point of view — as a good textbook on today's Chinese foreign policy rhetoric. Very beautiful, accurate and concise text. This document does not pull for anything more.Probably, China understood that it was impossible to remain silent longer. From him, as a "great power", they expect a more active position. It was necessary to express their position. Here, I expressed it. The checkmark is closed. The illusions that China will be able to be a real mediator in the peace talks have been discarded. Let's move on", - writes Ivan Zlenko.

Blogger, analyst Anatoly Nesmian believes that vague Chinese initiatives are not intended for practical use. And China is not going to take practical steps.

"However, what is good for Chinese philosophy and lifestyle may be of little use for countries and people with a different mentality. If the Chinese have expressed their willingness to mediate, then they will be expected to act, and not talk about "what is good and what is bad". A couple more such initiatives, and they will stop paying attention to China", - Nesmian believes.

The TG channel Spydell_finance also believes that Beijing's stated peacekeeping role is unrealistic. However, this "peace plan" also highlighted the fact that at this stage China is not ready to implement global projects within the framework of the concept of a "multipolar world" and the formation of practical steps to implement it. China understands that it is next after Russia, but it is not ready to act.

"Therefore, everything will come down to the typical behavior of China. They will go with the flow, solving their strategic tasks in technological rearmament and economic sustainability, using both the resource of the West and the resource of Russia at the same time. Fortunately, the conflict at this stage is consistent with China's interests, since it diverts the focus of US attention from China towards Russia and at the same time increases Russia's dependence on China, receiving cheap and stable Russian resources", - sums up Spydell_finance.

The document, which was announced by the Chinese side in advance, was published on the portal of the Chinese Foreign Ministry on February 24.

Novye Izvestia reported that Beijing outlined 12 points in this document. In particular, China speaks of the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and also notes that "all countries are equal, regardless of their size, strength or wealth". The document also indicates the need for the same and uniform application of international law and the rejection of the use of double standards. And, the PRC reminds, "there are no winners in conflicts".
