Posted 27 февраля 2023,, 09:18

Published 27 февраля 2023,, 09:18

Modified 27 февраля 2023,, 11:05

Updated 27 февраля 2023,, 11:05

Brutalized pancakes. Another network scandal has unfolded around an innocent tradition

Brutalized pancakes. Another network scandal has unfolded around an innocent tradition

27 февраля 2023, 09:18
Patriotic bloggers insisted that eating pancakes on Maslenitsa is a purely Russian tradition, the opposition in protest called for not eating pancakes at all.

Ivan Zubov

The Orthodox of Russia began the Great Lent.

It was preceded by Shrovetide Week, on which, as you know, it is customary to bake pancakes. Who would have thought that such a banal thing would be the reason for another network scandal?!

However, in the current situation, anything can turn into a scandal, and food is no exception. More recently, the famous character of the secular party, Alyona Doletskaya, was scolded on the Internet for sharing her impressions of the assortment of Rublevsky restaurants in this harsh time for the country from the bottom of her heart.

Now pancakes have been distributed. They got caught, as usual, for the usual reason – banal stupidity: someone from patriotic bloggers said that baking pancakes on Maslenitsa is a purely Russian folk tradition, in other words, a "staple". Well, he said something stupid, it happens. However, it was not there! An angry denial immediately followed from the opposition camp. A well-known radio journalist living abroad today immediately responded:

"I want to say that I don't have any craving for pancakes. Earlier in other years, Maslenitsa was a love and tradition for me. We baked pancakes, we met with friends. Even when we left, I was baking pancakes during the carnival (everything coincides here). Now any reminder of Russian traditions causes a cry..."

Another journalist is also indignant:

"After all, this is a pure imperial complex – to take a dish that is in all cuisines of the world without exception, and assign it to Russia. It is certainly comical that pancakes have become the symbol of rejection of other, much more unpleasant Russian traditions. Not to know that they exist in all cultures and countries, I don't even know how. How to say that I refuse bread, because from such a Russian…

It's time to call all these gastronomic bastards to account!

In response, there were a lot of replicas, both serious and joking:

- Well, it's not pancakes untied.

- Pancakes support this!

- My God, what? That way we will live up to the collective guilt of some unfortunate herring, we will begin to forcibly remove the fur coat from it, dekulakize it. The Christmas tree, again, was probably guilty on New Year's Eve, too. Or an internationalist Christmas tree, I don't know. And Easter cakes are possible, but only if they are renamed paski. Borscht, again, Ukrainian is possible, but Russian is not.

- Exactly! Today I ate a few - none expressed their position, all cowardly kept silent. I make allowances for the fact that they could simply not have time.

- By the way, it's high time to clarify the herring, as well as the salad "Moskovsky", imperially cosplaying "Olivier". Personally, I am very glad that the time has finally come when we can all boldly, in a single impulse, call all this gastronomic bastard to account! Let's stop the pancake-herring reptile with a general cry!

- In France, they bake similar pancakes that do not support anything. Pancakes are just pancakes.

- Pancakes appeared in Ancient Greece in the 5th century, there is nothing Slavic in them at all, the Slavs just used them a little and cook in their own way

- I bake pancakes at any time of the year - just a Jewish mother taught me! And no traditions except family ones interfere with me!

- My Ukrainian grandmother baked great pancakes! Therefore, there is no association with Russian traditions. Moreover, my friend's daughter, who was born in Israel, loves pancakes according to my grandmother's recipe. We will not attach pancakes to Russia - they are cosmopolitan!

- Everything connected with traditions causes rejection. Pancakes, of course, are not to blame, I eat them without any problems, but I don't want it on Shrovetide, all traditions stand across my throat.

- It is useless to explain to anyone who is now picturesquely perplexed about what pancakes have to do with it.

- Strange reaction. Did the German anti-fascists refuse sausages with sauerkraut?

- Pancakes are also a French tradition, called Mardi gras. Everyone is celebrating. There is one problem: in Europe, insect powder has been officially added to flour since January 24.

- Apparently, you had a B in history. Many Indo-European peoples bake pancakes/pancakes/fritters. They are at least 2.5 thousand years old. The Russian Federation and the Russians are not the copyright holders of pancakes. Not once at all. No one has written yet: do not eat sushi, because there were atrocities of the Japanese.

The first step is always the hardest 

As music critic Maya Krylova writes: "No one remembered "after Auschwitz, you can't write poetry". No one quoted Leonid Filatov:

"I smear a sandwich in the morning -

Immediately thought: and how are the people?

And caviar does not climb into the throat,

And the compote does not pour into your mouth!"

All this, apparently, is ahead. 

There is something to talk about. Damn".

And the publicist Ivan Davydov publicly "repented":

I couldn't resist, I was disgraced, I was sinful, although when else, if not on the last day of Maslenitsa?

I couldn't, in general, get past the story with pancakes. Again, I remembered that there was, after all, it seems, some kind of novel in verse about the Larin family. It seems to have been canceled for colonial optics. Well, if not yet, then they will cancel.

In general, I put together a quatrain:

Now it's not cute at all

Dear old habits:

The curse of time branded

Militaristic pancakes.

Another beautiful phrase was thrown on Twitter: "The first pancake is the Washington Regional Committee."

However, to my own reproach: the gap between those who went and those who stayed, of course, will worsen, but, in general, we are not enemies to each other. Or even so: we are not each other's enemies. It is better to mend the fabric of existence than to tear it. There are a lot of people who want to tear up without us..."

And it is impossible to argue with this…