Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation offers new ways of cooperation between Russian and Chinese entrepreneurs

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation offers new ways of cooperation between Russian and Chinese entrepreneurs

27 февраля 2023, 12:49
In the experimental Free Trade Zone (FTZ) of the New District of Harbin (China), a company established by the ANO SOYUZEXPERTIZA of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (SOEX) received a certificate of the right to conduct business.

The company will be ready to help entrepreneurs operating on the Russian-Chinese trade and economic track. SOEX-Harbin (the so-called new company) offers a wide range of services, including, searches for Chinese and Russian contractors, provides their verification and audit, accompanies import and export deliveries, provides inspection services to control the quantity and quality of products.

The need to create such a structure for the entire system of chambers of commerce and industry in Russia became obvious in March-April last year. Then more than three hundred applications were received for various types of services in the Russian-Chinese direction. An important role in that period was played by the SOEX mobile expert office in China, which processed hundreds of requests. However, his capabilities were simply not enough. Now the hype demand has somewhat subsided, but mutual interest in bilateral cooperation will ensure a constant steady loading of the new company.

The choice of its location was not accidental. The new district of Harbin is positioned as a central platform for the development of cooperation between China and Russia.  In February, a delegation of representatives of the New District visited Moscow. They were convinced of the great potential of the expert system of the CCI of the Russian Federation as a partner for interaction with the free trade zone, including as a "one-stop shop" for cooperation with Russia for all regions of the PRC. This year, following the results of this trip, representatives of about three hundred Chinese companies are expected to visit for b2b meetings with Russian entrepreneurs.

"Of course, our work in the Asian direction is not limited only to expert activities", - says Maxim Fateyev, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia. The turn to the East takes on concrete forms. It is symbolic that SOYUZEXPERTIZA is creating its second foreign company (after the Republic of Uzbekistan) in China. She works together with the representative offices of the CCI of the Russian Federation abroad, and with territorial chambers. The foreign economic unit of the Federal Chamber also provided active assistance to colleagues.  Now we have another window of opportunity for domestic business to enter the Chinese market.

#China #Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry