Journalist Ivan Safronov will serve his sentence in Сorrectional facility-7 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Journalist Ivan Safronov will serve his sentence in Сorrectional facility-7 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

27 февраля 2023, 15:07
Ex-advisor to the General Director of Roscosmos, former special correspondent of Kommersant and Vedomosti Ivan Safronov will serve his sentence in the case of treason in Сorrectional facility-7, located in the village of Areyskoye in the Yemelyanovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

"Safronov was delivered to Сorrectional facility-7 of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. My colleagues and I visited him there. The conditions of his detention are normal, our client has no complaints about them", - the journalist's lawyer Dmitry Katchev said in an interview with TASS.

Information about the staging is confirmed by Safronov's relatives, as well as by himself in a letter to the Telegram channel created in his support.

"My route from Moscow (Lefortovo) to Krasnoyarsk took about three weeks, which is considered fast. I saw many people, visited various prisons and transit centers, changed God knows how many "Stolypins". But, as before, I can say with confidence: life, no matter what, is everywhere", - Safronov's letter says (quoted by Kommersant).

As Kommersant notes, the journalist is now in a quarantine detachment, awaiting distribution to a permanent detachment. Interfax notes that IK-7 is a strict regime male colony for first—time convicts.

Safronov was arrested in the summer of 2020 on charges of treason. At that time, he was an adviser to the General director of Roscosmos. On September 5, 2022, the Moscow City Court found him guilty of two episodes of treason and sentenced him to 22 years in a strict regime colony and a fine of 500 thousand rubles. The time under arrest was taken into account when passing sentence. After the verdict came into force in February, Safronov was dismissed from his post, where he was listed all this time, but did not receive a salary.

The journalist himself does not admit guilt, and also believes that the criminal case against him is connected with his journalistic activities.

#Treason #Journalism #Roscosmos #Ivan Safronov #Krasnoyarsk territory #Ivan Safronov's case #State treason #Journalists #News #Russia #Colony #Prisoners #Society