Posted 27 февраля 2023,, 15:30

Published 27 февраля 2023,, 15:30

Modified 27 февраля 2023,, 21:48

Updated 27 февраля 2023,, 21:48

Maria Zakharova reported on the upcoming retaliatory sanctions against the United States and Canada

Maria Zakharova reported on the upcoming retaliatory sanctions against the United States and Canada

27 февраля 2023, 15:30
Russia is preparing retaliatory sanctions against the United States and Canada. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

"For our part, we are preparing retaliatory measures, creatively applying the accumulated experience for a more focused impact on Washington and Ottawa singing along to it", - Maria Zakharova commented.

She added that in the face of aggressive actions by the West, the Russian side will take counter-sanctions "based on the principles of strict reciprocity and the inevitability of punishment".

Maria Zakharova noted that the United States announced on February 24 and Canada's anti-Russian sanctions are aimed at undermining the country's industrial and financial potential and "turning off" Russia from world economic ties. According to her, these attempts are "futile and thoughtless".

According to her, betting on the fight against Russia "to the last Ukrainian", the United States is trying to "pull up the falling ratings" of the American president in order to nominate him for a new term.

It's worth reminding that last week the United States imposed new sanctions against over 100 individuals and legal entities. Canada also joined the sanctions, which expanded the sanctions lists to 129 Russians and 63 companies. The sanctions were timed to coincide with the anniversary of the special operation in Ukraine. The tenth package of restrictions on Russia was also adopted by the EU countries.