Posted 27 февраля 2023, 07:19

Published 27 февраля 2023, 07:19

Modified 27 февраля 2023, 10:19

Updated 27 февраля 2023, 10:19

"The wrong hero": A defective lift was installed for a disabled paratrooper in Kostroma

"The wrong hero": A defective lift was installed for a disabled paratrooper in Kostroma

27 февраля 2023, 07:19
Disabled people
A former paratrooper from Kostroma, Andrey Lampadov, after eight years of ordeal, have got installed a long-awaited electric lift in the entrance, which was supposed to allow him to get out of the house, but the disabled person could not use it: the lift turned out to be faulty.

Anna Skudaeva

Andrey Lampadov, who became a disabled person of the first group after an industrial accident, has been trying for eight years to get the authorities to install an electric lift for his wheelchair in an apartment building in the Kostroma microdistrict "Venice".

However, despite many letters and appeals, the wheelchair user still remains locked in four walls.

After Andrey Lampadov's appeal to the media and the publication in Novye Izvestia in November 2022, a lift was installed in his entrance. In December, the mayor's office took the device into municipal ownership, considering it "safe" and "compliant with technical requirements".

However, in fact, the device turned out to be of poor quality: it cannot lift up a wheelchair with an immobilized disabled person. When they saw that the lift was defective, the Kostroma City Hall recognized that the device "needs improvement." At the same time, the authorities do not name the deadlines for eliminating shortcomings. 

"The deadlines for the completion of the lifting platform were not announced to you due to the fact that they depend on the availability of the necessary materials and parts from suppliers", - Oleg Bolokhovets, first deputy head of the Kostroma administration, said in an official response.

Whether he will ever be able to get out of prison, Andrey does not know.

"I have to undergo a medical examination by the end of April. It is necessary to take pictures. Fluorography, CT, MRI are required. To do this, you need a way out of the house, and there is no one. There used to be at least ramps. I was taken along them by joint efforts, and now they have been dismantled, and the lift does not work. I'm perplexed: how did the administration accept it from those who put it? It is impossible to use it: he cannot lift the stroller. And they sent me an answer that the lift allegedly meets all standards and is in good working order", - Kostromich complained.

On the anniversary of the beginning of the SVO on the territory of Ukraine, the authorities of the Kostroma region triumphantly reported on the launch of a large-scale rehabilitation program for servicemen who received serious injuries and injuries after being sent to the Donbass. On the territory of the region, the installation of lifting equipment in their homes has begun.

Three semi-automatic platforms have already been installed in Kostroma for soldiers who have returned home as wheelchair users. However, in the near future they promise to install them in the homes of other military personnel who have received severe injuries, the TV channel reports

The funds for the installation of lifting equipment are allocated by the regional budget. According to the regional administration, in total, more than 80 events are included in the regional comprehensive program.

The main work on the socialization of servicemen who were injured during the SMO on the territory of Ukraine will be entrusted to municipalities. The regional administration indicates that they see their task as "improving the quality of life of military families".

Meanwhile, as the story of Andrei Lampadov testifies, not all former military personnel with disabilities can receive the necessary assistance and support in a timely manner. It seems that in the Kostroma region, disabled people seem to be divided into "categories". Some veterans are a priority, while others "can wait."

Meanwhile, for the former Kostroma paratrooper Andrei Lampadov, the ninth year of imprisonment in four walls has already begun.
