Posted 2 марта 2023, 10:33

Published 2 марта 2023, 10:33

Modified 2 марта 2023, 12:55

Updated 2 марта 2023, 12:55

Poll of the day: three quarters of the country's doctors did not receive the required surcharges

Poll of the day: three quarters of the country's doctors did not receive the required surcharges

2 марта 2023, 10:33
Three quarters (75.8%) of the medical system employees have not received additional payments established for primary care workers since January 1, 2023.

Ivan Zubov

This is evidenced by the survey data of the distance medical education service , which was held from February 13 to February 15, 2023.

The study involved 2,550 respondents from all regions of the country.

Recall that at the end of last year, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a government decree that establishes from January 1, 2023, additional payments to primary care workers in the amount of 4.5 thousand rubles to 18.5 thousand rubles per month. So, doctors of central district, district and district hospitals should receive an additional 18.5 thousand rubles per month. Doctors of polyclinics and other outpatient institutions of primary health care — 14.5 thousand rubles. Junior medical staff of central district, district and district hospitals, polyclinics and other primary care institutions, as well as ambulance stations — 4.5 thousand rubles. Paramedics and nurses who receive phone calls at ambulance stations — 4.5 thousand rubles. According to the government, 1.1 million people will receive payments in 2023.

According to the survey, 74.2% of respondents know about the government's decision. "16.1% of doctors have heard something about him." And they don't know anything — 9.6%.

In the course of the study, there was also a misunderstanding of doctors as to whether they are entitled to such a payment at all. Almost half (48.1%) are counting on this surcharge. 27.4% believe that they do not fall into the category of those who can receive it. And almost a quarter (24.5%) do not know whether money should be transferred to them.

At the same time, 75.8% of health workers said that they did not receive money, although they should have. Another 20.2% reported that they received an additional payment. And 4% replied that they received an incomplete amount.

"As we can see, there is a misunderstanding in the professional environment regarding the program of additional payments to primary care workers. And apparently, there are problems with the timely transfer of funds. We hope that these are temporary difficulties that are associated with the organization of the work of the new incentive system", - says the CEO Igor Stepanyukov.