Posted 3 марта 2023, 04:57

Published 3 марта 2023, 04:57

Modified 3 марта 2023, 06:26

Updated 3 марта 2023, 06:26

Kommersant: 481 billion rubles will be spent on space systems

Kommersant: 481 billion rubles will be spent on space systems

3 марта 2023, 04:57
These funds will be used for the development of space systems until 2030.

According to Kommersant, the money will be directed by the government and companies to the development of ground infrastructure, the launch of satellite communications groups, the development and production of small comical devices for remote sensing of the earth. Remote sensing, we note, will be handled by Sitronics and Gazprom structures. They will earn money by selling satellite images and processed data to public and private entities. According to experts, this segment may become promising, but today it has a weak development in the country.

According to the roadmap "Promising space systems and services for the period up to 2030" approved in January this year, prepared by Roscosmos, until 2030 the authorities intend to allocate 369.4 billion rubles of budget funds and 111 billion rubles of extra-budgetary funds for the development and development of projects related to space communications, satellite technologies and data processing based on satellite images. Among the performers are MIPT (equipment development), Scanex (ground infrastructure development), FSUE Space Communications (satellite communication and broadcasting technologies), Bureau 1440 (part of X Holding, launch of satellite grouping), Gazprom. Space Systems" and "Gazprom SPKA", as well as "Sitronics".
