Posted 3 марта 2023,, 04:45

Published 3 марта 2023,, 04:45

Modified 3 марта 2023,, 06:20

Updated 3 марта 2023,, 06:20

Mobilized citizens began to complain about the transfer of their debts to collectors

Mobilized citizens began to complain about the transfer of their debts to collectors

3 марта 2023, 04:45
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation recorded 900 such complaints, one hundred of which it considered justified.

As the deputy head of the regulator Alexey Gusev told RBC, all complaints of the mobilized and their families were related to credit holidays. Some of the complaints were related to cases "when a citizen was killed or recognized as deceased, recognized as a disabled person of the second group".

"Especially [there are] issues related to the long periods of consideration of the relevant appeals of family members, and sometimes with the transfer of debt to collection agencies", - Gusev said.

He called such situations unacceptable, since "the debt has been reset by this time, the very fact of death terminates the relevant legal relations".

At the end of last year, Russians called up as part of partial mobilization in the country restructured loans mobilized for 58.8 billion rubles, in addition, they were given one hundred thousand credit holidays. According to the statement of the Bank of Russia, close relatives can independently apply to a credit institution to restructure loans of mobilized citizens.