Posted 7 марта 2023, 08:21

Published 7 марта 2023, 08:21

Modified 7 марта 2023, 09:16

Updated 7 марта 2023, 09:16

It will take another three centuries for gender equality on the planet, Guterres said

It will take another three centuries for gender equality on the planet, Guterres said

7 марта 2023, 08:21
Weak progress on women's rights around the world is rapidly deteriorating. It will take at least another 300 years to achieve gender equality. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned about this.

Speaking at the General Assembly on the eve of International Women's Day, The Guardian writes, the UN official sadly stated that women's rights are being violated everywhere today.

According to him, the fair sex continues to suffer the most in wars and crises, maternal mortality is increasing, girls are expelled from schools, poisoned with chemicals, as happened in Iran, women are humiliated, deprived of work, forced to enter into early marriages.

"The progress seemingly achieved over the past decades is disappearing before our eyes", - Guterres said.

The UN Secretary General highlighted the difficult conditions in which women found themselves in Afghanistan, where the Taliban seized power after the US withdrawal (banned in the Russian Federation). They are killed for wearing clothes incorrectly and punished with rods in city squares.

Guterres stressed that in many regions, women's sexual and reproductive rights are simply not taken into account by local authorities. For this, Iran was expelled at the end of last year from the Commission on the Status of Women, who are subjected to severe repression and humiliation by the security services for participating in protests.

"Centuries of patriarchy, discrimination and harmful stereotypes have created a huge gender gap in science and technology," Guterres said, citing as an example that women make up only three percent of Nobel Prize laureates in these sectors.

The UN Secretary General called on governments, civil society and the private sector to "collectively act" around the world to ensure women's education, improve vocational training and increase investment in "bridging the digital gender gap". Guterres believes that the UN should continue to play a key role in all this.
