Posted 9 марта 2023, 06:58

Published 9 марта 2023, 06:58

Modified 9 марта 2023, 09:07

Updated 9 марта 2023, 09:07

Scandalous bill on foreign agents was withdrawn from the Georgian Parliament

Scandalous bill on foreign agents was withdrawn from the Georgian Parliament

9 марта 2023, 06:58
The Georgian Dream bloc has withdrawn a bill on foreign agents from the Georgian parliament, the introduction of which provoked mass protests throughout the country.

According to Vedomosti, with reference to a statement published on the Georgian Dream website, against the background of what is happening in the country, the initiators of the adoption of the document have changed their position.

"We, as a government responsible to every member of society, have decided to unconditionally withdraw the bill we supported without any reservations", - the bloc said in a statement.

Earlier it was reported that the parliamentary majority in Georgia, led by the Georgian Dream bloc, submitted two bills to the deputies, copying the laws on foreign agents previously adopted in the Russian Federation. The first document was adopted in the first reading at an emergency session of the Parliament on March 7. He transfers NGOs and mass media, which receive more than 20% of income from abroad, to the category of foreign agents.

The introduction of laws on foreign agents provoked mass protests and riots, which escalated into clashes between citizens and the police and the use of force against demonstrators. However, after that, the demonstrations did not stop, they continued on March 8 and took place on the night of March 9.

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili supported the protesters. She opposed the law on foreign agents, suggesting that it should not be adopted.

The EU stated that if Georgia adopts a law on foreign agents, it will not allow Georgia to join the European Union.
