Posted 10 марта 2023,, 13:56

Published 10 марта 2023,, 13:56

Modified 10 марта 2023,, 17:15

Updated 10 марта 2023,, 17:15

Lia Akhedzhakova published a farewell letter to the audience of Sovremennik theater

Lia Akhedzhakova published a farewell letter to the audience of Sovremennik theater

10 марта 2023, 13:56
Actress Liya Akhedzhakova published an open letter on the Internet, in which she said goodbye to the stage of the Sovremennik theater and thanked people for letters of support.

Akhedzhakova's message was published by the journalists of Novaya Gazeta, closed by the court, who organized a new media project called "Free Space"*.

In her letter, the actress said that the new head of the theater, Yuri Kravets, decided to remove her from the repertoire of Sovremennik with the support of officials of the Department of Culture.

"I didn't have time to say goodbye to my scene. My dear, favorite scene — you gave me the opportunity to confess, to declare my love to people I love, appreciate, respect, what playwrights! What directors! What partners! , — the actress wrote.— Goodbye, my dear. Hold on. We, the artists, love and remember you. Long life to you!".

Akhedzhakova's letter says that the head of Sovremennik informed her that the theater was allegedly "inundated with letters from workers" demanding to remove her from the stage. The actress called what was happening a "network tribunal". She expressed gratitude to all the audience, journalists and colleagues who decided to support her after the cancellation of performances with her participation.

Recall that the reason for the removal of 84-year-old Akhedzhakova from serving in the theater was her civic position. The actress condemned the conduct of Russia's military operation on Ukraine, notes Kommersant.

After the position of the actress became widely known, performances with the participation of the actress began to be canceled. This was facilitated by the demands of the Deputy Speaker of the Moscow City Duma Andrei Medvedev, a member of the United Russia faction Kirill Shchitov and a member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation Marina Akhmedova. They considered it unacceptable to demonstrate to the general public performances where the leading role is played by an actress who openly opposes her own. In early February, it became known that the play "The Game of Gin" with the participation of Akhedzhakova was removed from the repertoire of the Sovremennik Theater. When this became known, fans of the actress began to express words of support and appreciation to her on the Internet.

*The publication's website is blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation.