Posted 10 марта 2023, 09:00

Published 10 марта 2023, 09:00

Modified 10 марта 2023, 13:49

Updated 10 марта 2023, 13:49

Wooden high-rise buildings are already a reality: the Ministry of Construction is considering projects of such houses

Wooden high-rise buildings are already a reality: the Ministry of Construction is considering projects of such houses

10 марта 2023, 09:00
Projects of nine-storey houses made of wood are under examination at the Ministry of Construction of Russia. After the approval of the projects, such houses can begin to be built in the country.

This was told by the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Irek Fayzullin, speaking in The Federation Council.

"Today, we already have documentation for nine—storey objects in the examination, which may be built in the future", - the minister said. He added that the construction of such houses is being worked out with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and By Rospotrebnadzor. It is planned to complete this work within a year.

The Minister recalled that earlier projects for the construction of four-storey wooden houses had been agreed. The Ministry analyzed the technical side of the issue, issues of fire safety in such houses, as well as sanitary safety. "A positive conclusion of the state expertise was issued, and the federal expertise was issued in order to ensure the further development of such construction", - the minister added.

Earlier, President Vladimir Putin called for more active use of wooden housing construction. In particular, the President instructed to work out the issue of relocating people from emergency housing to factory wooden houses.
