According to RIA Novosti, referring to Rostechnadzor data, up to 35 thousand elevators are put into operation in the country every year. Now there are about 496 thousand elevators on the register, about hundreds of thousands of them have fulfilled their assigned service life of 25 years. Recall that since March 1 of this year, the agency has been appointed commissioner for monitoring the safe use of elevators and escalators.
Last year, the production of elevators in Russia decreased by 30% year-on-year - to 21.6 thousand. Only nine escalators were produced, which is 65% less than in 2021.
The situation with elevators in the country is complicated. Due to the anti-Russian sanctions imposed, the largest imported elevator manufacturers left the Russian Federation: Otis, Kone, ThyssenKrupp, Schindler, Kleemann. Their market share was up to 20%, the products were used in the commercial sector: in shopping and business centers, as well as in high-rise buildings and residential buildings of the high price segment.