Posted 17 марта 2023, 11:24

Published 17 марта 2023, 11:24

Modified 17 марта 2023, 14:23

Updated 17 марта 2023, 14:23

Russians were urged to abandon the annual purchase of new jeans

Russians were urged to abandon the annual purchase of new jeans

17 марта 2023, 11:24
Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko during a public speech called on Russians to refuse to buy new jeans every season.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, too much water is wasted in the production of jeans, and Russian citizens need to take care of the environment.

"Please don't buy new jeans every season! You can walk for a long time in the same jeans or somehow resuscitate them", - the Rossiya 24 TV channel quotes Abramchenko as saying.

As Kommersant notes, the scope of Abramchenko's powers in the government of the Russian Federation includes the national project "Ecology".

To date, many regions of the country have faced a shortage of modern landfills and waste disposal plants.

Meanwhile, when buying new things, people also pay for the packaging of goods. In each trash can, the packaging volume takes up to 50% of the total contents.

Abramchenko urged all Russians to follow her example of "conscious consumption".

As part of the fight against the abundance of garbage in the Russian Federation, garbage reform is being carried out. From 2025, the country should abandon disposable plastic packaging for the sake of caring for nature. In a number of EU countries, the rejection of single-use plastic packaging is already practiced. In stores, they actively sell products by weight in the buyer's container, in supermarkets they accept glass containers for money, which are put into re-circulation.
