Posted 20 марта 2023, 08:35

Published 20 марта 2023, 08:35

Modified 20 марта 2023, 09:54

Updated 20 марта 2023, 09:54

All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion: most Russians stated that they feel happy

All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion: most Russians stated that they feel happy

20 марта 2023, 08:35
The absolute majority of Russians (82%) consider themselves happy people, a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) showed.

At the same time, a third of respondents said that they absolutely consider themselves a happy person. Another 47% said they were rather happy. Every seventh participant of the survey considers himself an unhappy person.

Representatives of the weaker sex often feel like a happy person. 85% of respondents told about it. Among young people, 77% of the survey participants already consider themselves happy.

The level of happiness is also influenced by the financial situation. 93% of respondents who are satisfied with their financial situation consider themselves happy. Among those who consider their income level to be bad, the number of unhappy people is also higher — 44%.

Russians were also asked what makes them happy. Almost a quarter of respondents (24%) said that this is a family. Another 21% of respondents are happy about their health and their loved ones. Every fifth participant in the survey said that he was generally satisfied with his life. Another 19% said that a good job makes them happy. Another 16% of respondents stated that happiness is children, and 13% noted that a good financial situation is the key to their happiness.

Among other reasons that affect whether Russians feel like happy people, respondents also named the availability of living conditions and the absence of loneliness, as well as well-being in their personal lives.

Unhappy people noted that the reason for their grief was the unsatisfactory state of affairs in the country. This is the opinion of every fifth respondent who calls himself an unhappy person. Another 19% said that they do not have enough money, which makes them unable to call themselves happy people.

Russians are mostly surrounded by happy people around. This was noted by 42% of the survey participants. Another third said that in their environment about half of the people are happy and the same number of unhappy people. 14% of respondents say that there are more unhappy people around.

Sociologists note that the happier a person is, the more happy people he notices around. Among those who definitely feel happy as a person, 55% note that the same happy people surround him. Only 9% of happy people notice unhappy people around. Among the same Russians who definitely consider themselves unhappy people, only 7% of them notice more happy people around them, while more than half say that there are also a large number of unhappy people around them.

Earlier, in the World Happiness Report, Finland was recognized as the happiest country in the world for the sixth time in a row. Denmark and Iceland were in second and third place. Russia is represented only on the 70th place, Ukraine - on the 92nd.