Posted 20 марта 2023,, 06:49

Published 20 марта 2023,, 06:49

Modified 20 марта 2023,, 06:54

Updated 20 марта 2023,, 06:54

Polish Ambassador to France Rosciszewski: Warsaw will enter into conflict with the defeat of Kiev

Polish Ambassador to France Rosciszewski: Warsaw will enter into conflict with the defeat of Kiev

20 марта 2023, 06:49
The diplomatic mission has already refuted the ambassador's words, saying that his statements were allegedly misinterpreted.

The Polish ambassador to France, Jan Emerick Rosciszewski, said on LCI that Warsaw would intervene in the conflict with Moscow if Kiev was defeated.

"If Ukraine fails to defend its independence, we will have no choice but to enter the conflict", - the diplomat said.

However, the diplomatic mission hastened to assure that "some media" misinterpreted the statements of Roscishevsky during an hourly conversation with a correspondent. Allegedly, the Polish ambassador did not mean a direct confrontation between Warsaw and Moscow, but only insisted on further pumping up the Kiev regime with weapons. Moreover, the embassy assured, in other fragments of the conversation, the ambassador "clearly says" that his country is not at war, but "will do everything to help Ukraine defend itself in this conflict." In addition, the embassy criticized "attempts to find sensational statements" and regarded them as "malicious".

Meanwhile, Poland failed to fulfill its promises to deliver MiG-29 fighters to the AFU in the next 4-6 weeks. By the way, these planes were transferred to Warsaw by Germany, and Berlin has not yet received a request from the Polish side for permission to send them to Kiev.