Posted 21 марта 2023, 04:53

Published 21 марта 2023, 04:53

Modified 21 марта 2023, 08:32

Updated 21 марта 2023, 08:32

Foreign currency savings of citizens reached a record $226 billion

Foreign currency savings of citizens reached a record $226 billion

21 марта 2023, 04:53
At the beginning of 2023, they grew by 1.4%.

According to RIA Novosti, referring to the data of the Bank of Russia, now Russians have the maximum for all time $ 266.6 billion. About 50% of savings in January and February of this year came in cash. During the month, the volume increased by 1.5% - $1.6 billion - to $105.4 million. During the year, the amount increased by $21.6 billion.

Citizens have 29% of all foreign currency funds in their bank accounts. In January, the amount of transfers to accounts amounted to $2 billion, raising the figure by 3% to $66.5 billion.

In general, the foreign currency accounts of Russians are decreasing. In January, they decreased by 0.8% - $440 million - to $54.7 billion. This amount turned out to be the minimum for the entire time tracking statistics.

Recall that at the beginning of the month, the regulator extended the ban on charging citizens a commission when issuing currency from accounts and deposits. The last extension took place in September 2022.
