Posted 22 марта 2023, 05:34

Published 22 марта 2023, 05:34

Modified 22 марта 2023, 08:08

Updated 22 марта 2023, 08:08

Passengers ask the Ministry of Transport to solve the problem with vouchers for canceled flights

Passengers ask the Ministry of Transport to solve the problem with vouchers for canceled flights

22 марта 2023, 05:34
Air carriers will have to return funds for tickets from 10 thousand to 100 thousand passengers.

According to Kommersant, the All-Russian Association of Passengers appealed to the head of the Ministry of Transport Vitaly Savelyev with a request to sort out the problem of unused vouchers for flights canceled during the pandemic.

We are talking about vouchers introduced in July 2020. They operated for three years. During this period, the passenger could use them to buy another ticket. After the deadline has expired, the airlines must return the passengers' money with interest at the rate of the Bank of Russia. According to the authors of the appeal, passengers cannot return their money for vouchers that they did not use. They cannot exchange vouchers for tickets either, since their validity period has already expired. The association offered to provide targeted assistance to airlines from the budget.

The head of the All-Russian Association of Passengers Ilya Zotov indicated that the amount of possible state support will be determined in the Public Chamber after consultations with airlines. This is more than ten thousand passengers with expired vouchers. A source close to the Ministry of Transport believes that carriers should return funds for at least 100 thousand tickets.

In the summer of 2020, it was reported that tourists whose trips were disrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic would be able to receive money for failed tours. But not immediately and only if they are not satisfied with the alternative options offered by the tour operator.
