Gaping mines: builders can't put houses in commission due to a shortage of elevators

Gaping mines: builders can't put houses in commission due to a shortage of elevators

23 марта 2023, 14:22
Despite all efforts, Russia has not been able to establish uninterrupted production of its own elevators.

The channel "Time of Public Procurement" reports that in the Russian regions developers of different levels significantly delay the deadlines for the delivery of new residential complexes. For example, such a well-known company as PIK, which repeatedly increased revenue last year, delayed the delivery of several queues of residential complexes in Yekaterinburg at once.

One of the main reasons for the failure of deadlines, experts call the delay in the supply of equipment for construction. If developers can still build the "boxes" themselves by means of import substitution, then it becomes very problematic to "pack" them.

Moreover, both elevators and spare parts for them have already risen in price by 35-40%, and the Russian industry frankly cannot cope with the production of new elevators, or even with the maintenance of existing ones in operation. The situation is also complicated by the budget deficit in the regions. According to Kommersant, this circumstance forces the regional authorities to purchase new elevators for the implementation of the housing overhaul program in installments.

Dmitry Tortev, a member of the Expert Council of the Committee for the Protection of Competition of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, said in an interview with Moskovskaya Gazeta that it is necessary to create or modernize the production of elevator equipment from scratch. However, he also said that, for example, St. Petersburg wanted to follow this path by concluding an "offset contract". Its paragraphs say, in particular, that first the investor creates or radically modernizes the production territory of the subject, and then is included in the register of sole suppliers, and the region buys its products for 10 years:

"It was planned to conclude such a contract last year, but it never happened..." the deputy concluded.

#Import substitution #Parallel import #Construction Activity #Sanctions #Analytics #Construction #Manufacturers #Production #Deficit #Manufacturer #Housing construction #Russia #Budget deficit #Problem #Builders #Sanctions against Russia #Situation #Elevators