Posted 23 марта 2023, 11:25

Published 23 марта 2023, 11:25

Modified 23 марта 2023, 12:59

Updated 23 марта 2023, 12:59

Mishustin named the main tasks of the government for 2023

Mishustin named the main tasks of the government for 2023

23 марта 2023, 11:25
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin (pictured), speaking with the annual report to the State Duma, named six main tasks that the government needs to solve this year.

As Mikhail Mishustin said at the presentation of the report on the work of the Cabinet of Ministers, the first task of the government is to strengthen the interaction of the Russian Federation with allies and find new partners. Further development of relations with China and members of the Eurasian Economic Union is planned.

The second task of the government is to strengthen the technological sovereignty of the country by introducing domestic developments that will compete with Western goods. Enterprises that will be able to replace important products and medicines that previously came from unfriendly countries will receive state support for 300 million rubles: budget financing, tax and customs benefits. In the future, the volume of subsidies may grow by another billion rubles.

Mishustin outlined the strengthening of the country's financial sovereignty as the third task of the Cabinet of Ministers, Kommersant notes. After the introduction of financial restrictions by Western countries, Russia needs to develop its stock market and banking system, attract long-term investments, and stimulate investments by providing a tax deduction.

Mishustin called the fourth task of the Russian authorities the development of municipal and transport infrastructure in the country, including using the funds of the National Welfare Fund.

The fifth task of the government is to improve the welfare of Russian citizens: increasing the salaries of state employees, providing social guarantees, as well as solving the tasks of creating affordable rental housing for employees of the defense industry.

As the sixth priority task, the Prime Minister called "people's conservation" — that is, measures related to demography. They include improving public services in the field of education, healthcare and social services for citizens in need.
