Posted 24 марта 2023, 10:24

Published 24 марта 2023, 10:24

Modified 24 марта 2023, 11:21

Updated 24 марта 2023, 11:21

Estonia expels Russian diplomat

Estonia expels Russian diplomat

24 марта 2023, 10:24
The Estonian Foreign Ministry summoned the charge d'affaires of the Russian Embassy to hand him a diplomatic note on the expulsion of an employee of the Russian embassy from the country.

The Estonian Foreign Ministry said that the activities of the Russian diplomat contradict the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. He needs to leave the country by March 29. The name of the diplomat is not specified.

The diplomatic department believes that this employee "took a direct, active part in undermining the security and constitutional order" of the country. In addition, he propagandized thoughts justifying Russia's actions, as well as "engaged in the split of Estonian society".

It's worth reminding that in January Estonia demanded to reduce the number of staff of the Russian embassy by half. The decision was made in order to achieve parity in the number of employees of the diplomatic agencies of the two countries. The level of diplomatic relations between the countries has been lowered. In March, it became known about the expulsion from Tallinn of three employees of the Russian embassy, who were suspected of propaganda.