Posted 24 марта 2023,, 11:24
Published 24 марта 2023,, 11:24
Modified 24 марта 2023,, 16:47
Updated 24 марта 2023,, 16:47
"We are not talking about interfering in the treatment of these people. We are talking only about the supervision of them by specially authorized bodies: getting information about how they behave, what is going on in their heads. In order, God forbid, not to harm our children", - said Rebrina.
Back in 2022, the supervisory authority came up with a similar initiative. The Prosecutor's office sent letters to the government commission, including after checks on reports of sexual abuse of children.
At the moment, according to the law, HDP patients after discharge are not subject to any control or supervision by law enforcement agencies. Data on patients remain under the jurisdiction of psychiatrists at the place of residence. They monitor the condition of patients. If they miss the appointed appointments, doctors cannot involve the police in their search without additional grounds (for example, the fact of committing a crime).
It's worth reminding that on March 1, an Order of the Ministry of Health came into force, according to which a psychiatrist is obliged to interact with law enforcement officers. The document obliges the doctor to inform the police about the possible risks of committing illegal actions on the part of the patient.