Posted 27 марта 2023,, 09:56

Published 27 марта 2023,, 09:56

Modified 27 марта 2023,, 11:31

Updated 27 марта 2023,, 11:31

Video of the day: in Buryatia, officials asked residents to give their "unnecessary" cars in favour of SMO

Video of the day: in Buryatia, officials asked residents to give their "unnecessary" cars in favour of SMO

27 марта 2023, 09:56
The head of the Barguzinsky district, Mikhail Mishurin, pointed out that there is no money to buy new cars.

According to tg-channel Baza, Mishurin held a meeting with residents and raised the topic of a special operation. He said that the military often ask to buy cars for them. But there are no funds in the budget and the population to buy a new car for them. Therefore, Mishurin appealed to the audience with a request to give their cars to the needs of their own. He cited the example of a pensioner who does not use a car, so he gave it to the military, who need it more. Mishurin also decided to ask citizens for money to support the military:

"We have almost 17 thousand people over the age of 18. If he transfers at least 100 rubles every month, then about 1.7 million rubles will go to help".