Posted 27 марта 2023,, 09:19

Published 27 марта 2023,, 09:19

Modified 27 марта 2023,, 09:28

Updated 27 марта 2023,, 09:28

"We will still be useful to our country..." Confessions of those who refuse to emigrate

"We will still be useful to our country..." Confessions of those who refuse to emigrate

27 марта 2023, 09:19
Not all citizens of our country who disagree with its policy tend to leave, many stay and explain why they do it.

Ivan Zubov

Novye Izvestia devoted a lot of materials to Russians who were forced to emigrate from their country after the start of their military service for various reasons, someone out of disagreement with the policy of their state, someone out of unwillingness to join the army.

Of course, not all the dissenters have left, and not even the majority. Many stayed, and also for very different, but equally serious reasons. And the rest sincerely do not understand why those who left blame them for this decision? Here, for example, is what Lilia E. writes in her blog.:

"About departure - not departure.

Everyone born on earth has the right to freedom of choice. I am against accusing millions of people of anything.

To leave/or stay is an individual decision.

What is normal for one person works for the other to destroy personality and identity. A person who decides to emigrate may lose and not find himself. According to the case "survivor's mistake" - the facts about those who have everything, become known, unlike those who drowned.

My choice is to stay in Russia. It is dictated by many reasons. First of all, I feel good here. My country remains mine. I am a part of it, regardless of who was the ruler in 1977, when I was born, and who is now.

I make a creative contribution with my unique and unique life. And this is more important to me than the fact that there are those in my habitat who are imprisoned to destroy.

In my 45 years, I have experienced a huge number of multidirectional trends. Yes. Now it is so - overwhelmingly-repressive. But he will definitely change.

I spend a lot of time with my parents in a village in the Kursk region. My dad is 83 years old. Diabetes mellitus. He's got gangrene. But I found opportunities and specialists who saved his leg. They completely changed his artery, restored blood flow in his leg and two shunts on the carotid arteries. My dad is a cyborg. And he is alive thanks to my care. And I pulled my mom out of stage 4 cancer. A course of chemistry and three operations. Stomatization. Then they closed the stoma. She is in remission for the 4th year. Well yes. I'll tell them: "Adios. I want to breathe the air of freedom!", and I will leave the country, so that not a single penny of mine to the regime?

While living in Russia, I worked mainly in international corporations. With German capital, with Finns. The last place of work was so "multicapital" that I don't know which corner of the planet actually owned this business.

Big money is rolling around the world through multi-corporations.  Resources are taken in Bangladesh, in the coal mines of Kazakhstan, in Almetyevsk and Tripoli…

Workers inhaling radon suspension, driving piles under the scorching sun and mining metals in 40-degree frost get crumbs. 

Where does the earned capital settle?

Workers - on a plate of soup. The rest goes to a Swiss, Cypriot and Austrian bank?..

The last place of my work where poorly paid labor was used was a company registered in the Netherlands, for example. A beautiful developed world of democracies. Dream.

But if you dig deeper, then at whose expense is the banquet?

In a global world, it is probably impossible to live without smearing yourself with the sweat and blood of those who have been exploited. Innocent love of chocolate and pumpkin latte in the morning. Who thinks about the "purity" of these products? But chocolate bars with coffee are also slave labor and huge amounts of deforested rainforests. And even the brightest white coat is actually splattered with these coffee and chocolate splashes.

Well, then why climb on the pedestal with a sense of superiority?"

This post found understanding among readers, the vast majority of whom agreed with the author:

- And I'm not leaving. Although I don't have elderly unhealthy parents. But there is a favorite house in a favorite Malakhovka and favorite animals. There is a love for Moscow no matter what. Russian Russian friends, the Russian language, and the Russian theater have a love for them. By the way, like you, I have worked all my life in American, French and German corporations. And I also have my own opinion about how money is made and who owns it.- I absolutely agree!

And I will also add: even if a person has no encumbrances, it is difficult to leave. We need money, health, a sought-after profession, the right to live in another country. Does everyone have it? No, of course not. Couch prosecutors have been sick for a long time.

- I agree with your position on departure-non-departure.

Everyone decides for himself; and shouting "run from Mordor soon" and shaming those who have left is equally inappropriate. You're old enough to be my daughter, but I think even if I was a quarter of a century younger, I still wouldn't have left. Although the remaining sane people understand where the country and society are now, they - that is, people like you and me - decide to continue living here. I hope we will still be useful to our lost country.