Posted 29 марта 2023, 04:50

Published 29 марта 2023, 04:50

Modified 29 марта 2023, 07:36

Updated 29 марта 2023, 07:36

Demand for employees with knowledge of Chinese increased by 70% in 2022

Demand for employees with knowledge of Chinese increased by 70% in 2022

29 марта 2023, 04:50
In January-March 2023, the indicator increased by 42% in annual terms.

According to RBC, referring to data from the HeadHunter service, last year the demand in Russian companies for specialists who have knowledge of the Chinese language increased by 70% compared to 2021 - organizations replaced 7,6 thousand vacancies where knowledge of the Chinese language was indicated in the requirements.

During the period from January to March 2023, 3.8 thousand such vacancies were filled. This is 42% higher than the same period last year. The most in-demand specialists are in the transport and logistics sphere, sales and production. During the first quarter, applicants with knowledge of Chinese posted 33 thousand resumes - nine times more than the number of such vacancies. Basically, applicants are looking for work as translators, salespeople and teachers.

Recall that last year, Chinese was started to be taught in schools in the Amur region (bordering China). The initiative was announced by Governor Vasily Orlov - on the opening day of the long-awaited movement on the bridge over the Amur (Chinese name - Heilundjiang) between Blagoveshchensk and Heihe.