Posted 29 марта 2023, 10:12

Published 29 марта 2023, 10:12

Modified 29 марта 2023, 10:45

Updated 29 марта 2023, 10:45

Figure of the day: artificial intelligence will soon eliminate 300 million jobs

Figure of the day: artificial intelligence will soon eliminate 300 million jobs

29 марта 2023, 10:12
In America, they are already trying to slow down the development of artificial intelligence in order to prevent public discontent.

American financial analysts are sounding the alarm, predicting drastic social changes associated with the active introduction of artificial intelligence. It is believed that in the near future it will be able to eliminate 300 million jobs, including drivers, journalists and writers.

The US Congress already intends to create a special committee to investigate the development of artificial intelligence. Trainings will also be held for legislators, explaining the essence of his work. However, now this issue - against the background of budget wars and the Ukrainian crisis - is not a priority.

In the meantime, according to the American scholar Malek Dudakov, artificial intelligence is increasingly being banned in the United States. For example, it is forbidden to use it in the largest school districts of America - in New York, Los Angeles and Seattle. Individual universities may follow their example. According to surveys, already 30% of American students use ChatGPT to compose texts.

Elon Musk also began to call for a pause with the further development of artificial intelligence. He fears manipulation of public opinion with the help of bots with artificial intelligence in social networks. However, it is hardly possible to stop its development.

But the main challenge in any case will be the gradual replacement of jobs. Large companies in the United States are already cutting staff with might and main amid worsening crisis moments in the economy. The introduction of artificial intelligence for the sake of saving money will only expand. In the future, this threatens to lead to great public upheavals - which the US political elites are definitely not ready for now.
