Posted 31 марта 2023, 17:28

Published 31 марта 2023, 17:28

Modified 31 марта 2023, 19:47

Updated 31 марта 2023, 19:47

The Ministry of digital development explained why the account deletion button disappeared on "Public Services" portal

The Ministry of digital development explained why the account deletion button disappeared on "Public Services" portal

31 марта 2023, 17:28
The decision was made due to the frequent cases of hacking of users' personal accounts.

"Due to the frequent cases of hacking of personal accounts on Public Services (Gosuslugi), including using social engineering methods, and the subsequent deletion of the account by intruders, it was decided to disable this function on the portal", - the Ministry of digital development said in a statement on the tg channel.

The department stressed that the deletion of the account is not considered as evasion from military service. Currently, you can delete your account now only when visiting the MFC.

Earlier today it became known that the possibility of deleting an account was disabled on the public services portal. This was due to the fact that through the portal they can send out summonses to appear at the military enlistment office. Deputy Shvytkin said that deleting an account on "Public Services" would be considered evasion from serving in the army, and mailing in electronic form through public services would allegedly be equated to personal delivery.

However, the legislation does not provide for an electronic method of serving summonses. The head of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Viktor Bondarev, summonses to the military enlistment office should be handed to conscripts under signature. The head of the State Duma on Defense, Andrei Kartapolov, pointed out that sending subpoenas through "State Services" is not at all possible.