Posted 4 апреля 2023, 06:39

Published 4 апреля 2023, 06:39

Modified 4 апреля 2023, 07:50

Updated 4 апреля 2023, 07:50

Figure of the day: 58% of Russians looking for work are ready to go abroad

Figure of the day: 58% of Russians looking for work are ready to go abroad

4 апреля 2023, 06:39
In Russia, the share of applicants willing to work outside the country has increased to 58%. This is indicated by the results of a study by the consulting company "Yakov and Partners" (formerly McKinsey in Russia), a copy of which was reviewed by RBC.

"Among the specialists most interested in moving abroad, linguistics specialists and journalists turned out to be the most (37% each), workers with engineering and design specialties, specialists in the field of law and humanities (33% each)", - RBC reports.

Doctors (15%), specialists in literature and social work (17%), representatives of the service sector (20%) and education (22%) are least interested in the possibility of moving.

The most popular country to move among the respondents was Canada. It is followed by the USA, Cyprus, Turkey, Germany. The second five is represented by the countries of the post-Soviet space: Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan.

About 40% of the survey participants are ready to move to another region for the sake of increasing salaries, and the respondents named Moscow as the most favorable direction, followed by St. Petersburg and the Southern Federal District.

Researchers found that 41% of applicants prefer to work in a large private company of Russian origin, and work in an international company is in second place in this rating. Next in the ranking are small and medium—sized businesses, companies with state participation, Russian companies with foreign participation, and after them - the civil service.

The survey was conducted in December 2022 — January 2023. It was attended by 7,300 applicants from all over Russia. According to RBC, during a similar study in 2020, 47% of applicants considered the possibility of moving abroad.