Posted 6 апреля 2023, 11:47

Published 6 апреля 2023, 11:47

Modified 6 апреля 2023, 14:57

Updated 6 апреля 2023, 14:57

From July, tax notifications can be received through the "State Services"

From July, tax notifications can be received through the "State Services"

6 апреля 2023, 11:47
The deputies of the State Duma adopted in the second and third readings a law on providing citizens with the opportunity to receive tax notifications and tax payment requirements in their personal account on the public services portal. The Russians will have the corresponding opportunity from July 2023.

"The law provides for the right of individual taxpayers who have a confirmed account in the federal state information system Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA) to submit documents (information) to the tax authorities and receive documents from the tax authorities in electronic form through a single personal account in the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services information system", — reports TASS.

The Federal Tax Service, in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, will regulate the procedure for interaction of an individual taxpayer with tax authorities in electronic format. The transfer of documents containing tax secrecy in electronic format is carried out only with the taxpayer's consent, which he will be able to express through a notification in his personal account on the portal. The list of tax documents that the tax authorities can send through the personal account is stipulated by the Tax Code.

As RIA Novosti notes, earlier, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that the initiative would simplify and increase the convenience of interaction between Russians and tax authorities. Initially, it was envisaged that Russians would be able to use the new opportunity from January 2024, but they decided to accelerate the implementation of the changes in the second reading. According to Olga Anufrieva, deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, such a proposal was made by the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Finance.
