Russians face a criminal article for collecting plants and mushrooms from the Red Book

Russians face a criminal article for collecting plants and mushrooms from the Red Book

6 апреля 2023, 17:15
The deputies of the State Duma adopted a law that criminalizes the destruction, illegal collection and trafficking of especially valuable plants and fungi that are listed in the Red Book of Russia or are protected by international treaties.

The maximum penalty under the new article 260.1 of the Criminal Code reaches nine years in prison.

So, according to the adopted law, Russians for the illegal collection and sale of rare mushrooms and plants will face a fine of up to a million rubles and imprisonment for up to four years.

For committing this crime using one's official position, the fine is doubled, and the term of imprisonment is up to six years.

Illegal sale or purchase of such mushrooms and plants on the Internet is now punishable by a fine of 1.5 million rubles and imprisonment for up to five years. If this offense is carried out using official position, the fine increases to three million rubles, and the maximum term of imprisonment is up to seven years.

If the offense was committed by an organized group of persons, then the maximum penalty for it increases to nine years in prison, and the fine is up to three million rubles.

#Mushrooms #Crime #Criminal case #Laws / Bills #The Red Book of the Russian Federation #Criminal prosecution #Plants #Criminal #Criminality #Red Book #The State Duma #Laws #Law #Punishment